Wednesday, December 10, 2008

group final

This project was an interesting one to do. It wasn't that tough for me to come up with ideas for our comercial or the interview and my group ended up liking some of the ideas I had. This project was easier this time because out schedules corresponded much better for all four of us than it had with my last partner alone. We got together a few different times to do shooting and editing. I'm glad the project is done, not that the class is over, but that I just don't have to worry about it anymore. The video turned out pretty well, and I think our comercial could have been better or had more humor in it, but 30 seconds is really short!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

When writing a blog about a movie isn't enough

it doesn't matter that you're the only one reading my blog... or the only one I'm sure is reading my blog. I still write... almost every night... so why wouldn't I want to get a blu-ray video and put my own commentary to the whole thing? Oh yeah, because this is for a class and the other is to irritate people that have sense enough to know that this idea is terrible!

Monday, December 8, 2008

It's not fair!

It's true... I don't know any person, not just parent, in America that hasn't heard this... children never understand that the world isn't fair... But teaching your dog his tricks by making him jealous? Now that's genious! I guess some people consider their dog as a child. It works in some respects. I think I'm still considered a child by those standards... shit.

Final Project

I decided to bitch about my job... again... because I worked all weekend... yeah, all weekend, like 20 hours over the course of 2 days... and I am so tired of hearing, "then why are you even answering the phone if you can't help me?!" Because, if your card is lost or has been stolen, wouldn't you want someone here to cancel the card before someone else finds it or uses it? Yeah, that's what I thought too, people are assholes sometimes and a lot of days I'm so tired of my job I can't do anything else but cry... or have a cow about how stupid and rude people are in this country... But, to end on a up note... I only have to work 6 days over the next 3 weeks.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Must be rough

She's, what? 15, maybe 16 and she gets to be surrounded by, not only men that are gorgeous, but dance amazing too! I don't really like Miley... but those dance moves at the end are sweet!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's that time again...

Finals... Fuck I Never Actually Learned this Shit. I haven't ever actually felt that way... but I feel how this guy looks... this semester it just seems like everything keeps piling up and pushing me closer to insanity than ever before. I'm working all weekend this weekend again, and 3 of my 6 finals are already due this coming week... not even finals week... which stresses me out and puts a little unneeded pressure... at least that's how I feel about it right now... so between projects at work I'm trying to study for tests and plan for how to finish projects, writing papers and scheduling times I can find sleep... and my planning skills aren't really that good... yeah... this is going to be hell for the next 2 weeks. Look forward to updates on my mood and breakdowns, because there are bound to be many of each.

Friday, December 5, 2008

End of Ze World

Oh please, please, PLEASE let California break off from the US... that would be so sweet! They can go sit out in the middle of nowhere and tell themselves how great they are... haha. So stupid, completely unrealistic, but I loved it! This is nothing like Monty Python... although its said to be comparable... but Monty Python isn't funny, it's stupid, and I really liked this... not comparable... and Australia is still saying WTF mate... yeah, they'll never understand this kind of humor... and I think we should take the nucs away from all other coutries in the world... we may be stupid... but everyone else is stupid AND dangerous... yeah, I'm kidding, that would never work... but you know stuff is bad when the meteor won't even come near us... damn, we're screwed!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Truly an Idiot

Wow, that's all I can say. If it wasn't 'in' it was up. And did she ask for an 'F'? because that's obviously what she got in spelling in school. Education people. It truly IS important. My God I am shocked.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


What is it about negativity toward other people's work that makes us feel better about ourselves? When I went through this, I was just happy my name wasn't included on the list. Don't get me wrong, my blog probably sucks to most people, but I think I'm funny, and I don't think that my blog sucks that bad. I was just more than happy to know they didn't find it... but I have a couple blogs I would like to nominate for this 'award' hahaha.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh Please Please PLEASE let this happen!

I use Verizon, it's on my dad's plan, and I have a limit of 500 texts a month. All my friends use Alltel, they have unlimited texting... and when my bill is $27 over due to an extra 270 texts last month, daddy wasn't happy. So if this merger happens at the first of the year it will be a late Christmas present Verizon didn't know they were giving me! So if this happens... my texts will jump from 500 text a month to closer to 1300 where it should be. Just kidding, but not really