Sunday, November 30, 2008

This is unbelievable

She thinks she's such a Christian and can say what God's word is. But I'm just sad that it's illegal to kill stupid people today. She is part of a family run cult. I truly believe them when they said she was an abomination... This is sick and wrong. How do people get so messed up like this? I can't imagine the hurt that family is feeling to lose a family member in a war, but then to see, "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" outside the church where the funeral service is taking place? That would be too much. I'm glad the legislation passed, I only wish they would have pushed it further away. And who knows, maybe one day their judgement will come in the form of a 9/11 incident, what goes around, comes around.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Shitty Decorations!

I can't believe they think they will make money on this! Who seriously wants to buy animal shit? I wouldn't be jumping up and down buying them for all my friends! eventually that shit is going to start falling apart and then you just have a shitty mess on your hands... literally... but I guess if they want to try it to help raise some funds for the zoo, to each his own. But the economy is too shitty right now to pay for riendeer shit.

Friday, November 28, 2008

My new best friend!

So I found this site through a friend and I've been playing with it most of the weekend. It makes messing with or adding to pictures a breeze! I'd show you some of what I've done, but it doesn't work to send the link, and you're not my friend on facebook... sorry. I've made black and white pictures with bright red or blue accents, I've added weird text, I've put in graphics and pixelated a few pictures... This is a fun site to work with... and as long as it stays free I'm happy with it!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

These companies should pay us for such bad products!

These 'ideas' and 'gadgets' are ridiculous and worthless. Technology at it's finest? I think not! Why is anyone dedicating technological resources to this? Go study cancer or something! I realize that's medical, but it ties into technology, or at least they should try to make it... it would be a better use of their time if they did! I'm appalled!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I need this

I have 9 of the symptoms listed... I think this might help, and at this point, it can't hurt. I'm looking forward to feeling better, and I hope to God it works... this last 3 weeks of getting very little sleep has nearly killed me, I'm irritable and I just want to sleep all the time. It's amazing how we're supposed to balance all kinds of things, but our diets don't compliment those things. I hope I can get this stuff fast, and that it will work!


So, I hit a few snags with this video. What with my partner not working with both our schedules and then informing me on Sunday night, 2 nights after it was due, that he wasn't going to let me use 'his work' because he didn't give me a chance to help. Oh well. I got to do my own, and I learned more about editing and myself in this process than I would have otherwise. So it came out alright. I actually really enjoyed shooting this. I liked being on camera, and putting together something that was mildly entertaining... I also learned that I don't like the way I stand or carry myself a lot of the time, and decided it's something I'll work on. I'm happy to have had the extension time to put together my own video, and thankful I have such a great friend that was willing to help me clean my place up for short notice (aka: 5 minutes) shooting. I pretty much took most of the video before I even knew if I could have the extension on the project, all I could do was be prepared and wait for the answer. Drew was really great about helping me shoot this, being flexible with his time and days to get all the shots I wanted at the times I wanted. When I shot the original video on Sunday night I hadn't decorated for Christmas, and when I did my reshoots on Tuesday night I had... so that was an obstacle, but I overcame it pretty well I think. This video process was a lot of fun, with it's speed ups and slow downs... I enjoyed going through my material and really thinking about the show to get a general feel. The music was an obstacle as well. I felt as though I couldn't find music I liked for each of the scenes, I spent hours looking, but still never found exactly what I was looking for. What I have in the video works pretty well, but it's not what I wanted. Oh well. I'm really looking forward to the ad we're doing next. My group members seem to be excited too. It's nice to finally be with a group that appreciates funny ideas and is openminded and inventive enough to roll with a crazy idea instead of making it dull or just plain sarcasm that no one else understands. This should be awesome!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Economie's tanking... where do you turn?

Now, I know these sites don't actually help anyone's situation. But if they make you smile for 5 minutes a day... that's 5 minutes you wouldn't have felt good or smiled right? It's generally a good idea, but I hate cats! I know that you do... or might... or have wierd feelings that flux... but anyway... I like the idea... and I really love puppies!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Would men really like to get this stuff?

So, I have 3 little brothers ranging in ages from 11 to 19 and a father, obviously, and I have no idea where to begin looking for christmas gifts. They aren't helping a lot either. The boys all asked for gift cards, and my dad gave the usual, save your money response. This site was no help beyond the basket full of sweets idea, dad would love that! So I guess they are getting gift cards, so impersonnal but the boys are no help! I was excited when I stumbled upon this site, and I was sorely disappointed!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Betcha you can't figure out what I'll write in this one!

This says it all. I'm pissed off, people are stupid and immature. This isn't high school. If you can't budget your time better to work with the people you choose to work with so it works okay for both of you... man you've got a long life coming. Telling someone that you want to get a job done and do it together and then not utilizing the time available to both partners is pretty pathetic. You had the resources, you took the video, you didn't give me an option to help. I did what I could with the time you allotted me, and it's not my fault that you are too stupid to figure out that when I say I have one week open and one week handed over the the devil (aka: my boss) I mean serious business. So keep your piss poor video, if you want to act like you're in the 5th grade and cry that i didn't help as much with this video as you think I should, all I have to say is, you didn't stand watching cats, that you're allergic too, for two hours to do the last video. I took one for the team, I guess you're not a team player.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Give it up!

Part of everyone's day is setting up the computer, getting logged in, etc. Why do people suddenly think they should be paid for that time? Looking at paperwork before your shift is due to start? Bullshit! The company is right when they say those people are probably getting coffee or talking to co-workers, that's what I do when I get to work, no one uses paper planners or calanders anymore in a corporate office, and if they do, they are a minority and still shouldn't get paid for that time because it's probably personal shceduling. This is a waste of time and a waste of our legal system. Pathetic.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Looks like I found out why I really like this blog!

Mr. Allen and I seem to have more in common than I knew. I'm definitely Type 'A' personality! And I happen to feel exactly how Brain does. I want to take a vacation. From school, from work, from everyone I know, from snow, from cold, from feeling sick, from headaches... basically from my life. Doesn't matter where I go, I just feel like I need to get away!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh wow

Once again, I ask my favorite line, who comes up with this stuff?! Great Christmas song made stupid! And yet, I still love this more than anyone can possibly know. Maybe it's because I worked in fast food, or maybe it's because stupid humor always tickles me, but one this is for sure, I laughed just as much as the stupid guy next to me that showed me the clip. Absolutely ridiculous, but a must see all the same.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Economy Cutbacks,76589

This is something on everyone's minds. Right now I'm glad I'm not working for Citi and that Capital is downsizing in unneeded departments, however, they are absorbing those people into other departments that are necessary. I'm glad that Capital has been planning for these kinds of problems for years now and has continually picked up business partners that can continue to pay my paycheck. In the meantime, I hope something changes soon so more jobs are not threatened.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Awesome Ideas!

When I looked through these pictures I thought it was absolutely hilarious! I hope they amuse you as much as they did me. I'm not sure who thinks this kind of crap up... but I'm glad they do, and that no one actually ever tries to mass produce these ideas.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sad faces

I'm hours away from turning 21 and I've been crabby for days. While most people look forward to hitting the bar scene and finally being able to attend the local watering hole with friends that are older than they, I find myself already bored with the prospect of being hit on by creepy men and spending way too much money in a place that's too smokey to be healthy. I'm not sure why I've been so down lately, trying desperately to make myself happier in some way, but it seems to be getting worse. I can't find any way to keep myself happy for more than a few hours at a time and I am beginning to wonder if it's more than homesickness and stress. I think I'm restless and bored with most everything. If I need a change in scenery it won't be happening any time soon. I do know one thing, something needs to change, and soon, or I might go certifiably insane!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

For random and cheap entertainment... click here

Lately I've been really homesick. I've gone home for a few hours at a time every other week or so, since school started, but not stayed. I've found I'm more stressed than I realized, to the point where I break out in hives. The only remedy I have right now, since I'm so busy is to read jokes and try to keep my spirits up, which proves to be a challenge some days. searching jokes on google usually does a pretty good job. I really liked the proof of human stupidity... instructions and labels... some people just don't think... and then the difference between potentially and realistically joke was great as well. Smiles all around!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Serious Problem

This is a serious problem these days, it's one of the fastest growing crimes aiding the biggest crime in America. Identity theft is the biggest crime in America right now. People are finding more and more ways to break into businesses and take information from customers.

This is a chart of the biggest information breaches since 2000 and the amount of money it cost from each break in.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Epic Fail

This is absolutely beautiful! I'm not sure why it's funny to watch people get hurt and do stupid things, or see bad things happen, but it is. What a great way to waste time!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Cat Documentary

We produced a cat documentary, about play time, crack and all the dangers of cat life. It is rather interesting. Good luck.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Black Friday

I HATE black Friday, it is, without a doubt, the WORST day of the year! Any psycho that decides to go out just because something is $20 cheaper is crazy! I went out once. My dad saw a $600 camera on sale for $200, now that's a deal, it came with a large memory card, a spare memory card and a carrying case too, at no extra charge. But what I witnessed on that hellish days of all days was enough to keep me home that day for the rest of my life! Many people in my family put their lives on the line every year to get the discounts promised at every store, but never again will I! I saw women pulling each others' hair, I saw men pulling at the last DVD player on the shelf, I dodged elbows and fingernails just to get that camera at four in the morning, I got it, but just barely. Crazy people anyway! If you can help it, STAY HOME ON BLACK FRIDAY! Unless you're an absolute shopping fanatic and think that kind of thing is fun for a 'high'!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Making legends of scum?

By putting these men in this kind of article making them "Kings" in the online world, we have created a monster. This is wrong... this is bad, this encourages them! So why do we do it? Is it news? No. So, what's the point? Who knows. It ridiculous, but interesting at the same time

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This could possibly be a joke... I hope it is!

If any mother actually lets their child do this, and lets a child come to such a weight, that mother should be arrested for neglect and the child should immediately be taken to a hospital and put in the direct care of specialist. That said, the article was extreme, making me question its authenticity, especially with the site I found it on. I was horrified and appalled, but if it is a joke, it's kind of funny and a good way to make sure parents send their kids outside for a little running around a little more often!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I work for this company... hahahaha :)

What's sad is that I have to put up with this every day. People like this call me and yell about the fees and before I can even ask them if they would like to close the account they hang up and never call again hoping that things will fix themselves. Also, if she would have taken the time to ask, she would have found out that by faxing her husband's orders to us we would have lowered the APR to 6% from its 18.9% and freeze all purchases before the activation of orders. But they would rather yell. And I'm not stereotyping all of our half a million accounts into this. But there is a reason this woman is getting this offer, she is ill-educated, as can be seen from their typing form and lack of grammar skills. So, do I feel bad that she is still getting bills with late fees from us? Not really, especially since she's probably closing in on that 120 days delinquency when we'll just charge the account off anyway. If she took the time to be even halfway polite to a representative on the phone, her account would be closed, all fees waived and she wouldn't have terrible reports on her credit that I will no doubt have to go through, verify and send back to the credit bureaus as true that she owes the money and that the account was charged off. ugh! my life.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Communist symbol seen on campus!
An Obama SUPPORTER wrote out Obama Biden 2008 with the communist symbol of the hammer, sickle and star next to it. Now, I'm wondering if it was a joke or if they really support Obama and just are too stupid to figure out what that symbol means. I wasn't aware that was where the people of this country wanted our society to head, but I'm against it, and as long as I have the ability to vote I will continue to try to move away from the things that Reagan worked so hard to remove from our society and possible the world at large. If they truly support this man, I hope the rumors are false, that he does not support the movement toward socialism... and that he isn't linked to terrorists.

Facebook, MySpace and Bebo

Everyone uses one or more of these connectors on the Internet. Each gives a different way to keep up with or support the election today in a new way. I think it was a great way for people to have the election at the forefront fo their minds and it really encouraged them all the way leading up to the election to get registered or to fill out an absentee ballot. That's all I have to say on this subject, but I'll start another blog tonight for what I have to say about the ignorance of the people on SDSU campus for this election.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Election humor
Anyone can appreciate this, no matter who you're voting for it will make you laugh. It's like SNL coverage of the election, but I think it's better! It makes fun of both sides and I think anyone can appreciate it. I'm sure you'll get a kick out of this!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fair electoral college?

Why do people feel the need to do this? Obviously there are guilty parties on both sides, but this should be a fair election. This kind of shinanigans is ridiculous and pathetic. Who does this help? The answer is, no one. This is dishonest and desparate. People need to have more faith in their candidate and enough brains to realize that no matter who is elected we will still be fine for the next four years. If the candidate that is elected doesn't do a good job, hopefully they don't get re-elected then. The desparate attempts on both sides make me disgusted and embarrassed to call myself a voter this election, no matter who I decide to support.